I love it when I learn new words or concepts that ring true for me the first time I hear them. That's what happened the first time I heard the word, deprescribing. We all know what it means for a doctor to "prescribe" medication. Deprescribing is the opposite of that. It means that a doctor is working with her patient to evaluate all prescribed, and over-the-counter medications, to determine whether any of them can be "deprescribed" or "discontinued" in a therapeutic manner. According to some authorities, it is important for older members of the family to periodically evaluate all of their medications with their doctor to determine whether there are some that need to be deprescribed.
I also love it when my profession overlaps with a family member's profession. It makes for very interesting conversations and learning experiences at family reunions. I have been spending time with my niece who is a pharmacist. It is fascinating to learn more about the important contribution pharmacists make in our community. Now, when I meet with clients and their families, I often encourage them to reach out to their pharmacist to ask questions and get clarification about the medications they are taking. Oftentimes, these critical conversations can lead to better management for ones’ wellbeing and inspire future discussion with one's family physician.