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Tuesday, August 23 2016
Conversations to Inform & Inspire

I used to think the saying Time flies—and it speeds up as you get older! was just something older people liked to say. They always seemed to pull it out as a way to advise younger people to make the most of their time. And now that I am older, I understand the truthfulness of this saying in my own life and in the lives of my clients.

Since my last blog entry in January, I have experienced the untimely death of my beloved sister-in-law who was only 56 years old. Then a few months later, I had a serious biking accident that could have very easily led to my own death or serious disability. I flipped my bike, landed face down on the edge of the sidewalk, bounced, and flew through the air to come to rest down an embankment covered in soft patch of springtime poison ivy. Within seconds of confirming that my teeth were still attached and I was not disabled and still alive, I felt gratitude. I believed in that moment that not only had I been blessed by avoiding a head-on collision with oncoming traffic on one side and a light pole on the other, but that I would recover from my injuries and my life would never be the same.

I’ve already written about the practice of elder law and how my work with others requires conversations about death, disability, and loss. I’ve often referred to these conversations as sacred conversations. My experiences this year have reinforced the sacredness of these conversations in my own life and my commitment to my clients and their families. But there is only so much time and a limit to the number of clients that I can see. So, together with my office manager, Sandy, we have decided to experiment with facilitating a public gathering to see whether these conversations on a larger scale can be beneficial to those who attend. We are calling it Shaping Your Future: Decisions Only You Can Make. I am inviting others to meet with me from 4:00 - 5:30 PM on the third Tuesday of the month at The Mayton Inn, located in downtown Cary. The topics include:

  • Wills & Trusts
  • Aging in Place
  • Probate & Bereavement
  • Palliative Care & Hospice
  • Advance Directives
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Community Living
  • Being Mortal
  • Quality of Life
The M

Each month’s topic will be posted here on my website. At this time, we are asking for a $5.00 donation for the space and encouraging those who attend to plan to have dinner or a drink at The Mayton Inn’s restaurant and bar, Verandah. Please RSVP here.

We look forward to seeing you:

  • September 20th: What’s the Big Deal About Wills & Trusts?
  • October 18th: Straight Talk about Long-Term Care Options
Posted by: Alisa AT 01:44 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
    The Practice

    Alisa Huffman, MSW. JD, is licensed to practice law only in the State of North Carolina. The materials included on this web site are not intended as legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is formed by the use of the information from this site or the links from this site to other servers.

    Contact us

    311 S Academy Street Cary, NC 27511
    Phone: 919.655.0414